Beauty Shortlist - Editor Choice Best Cream
Specialised Press Accolades - Porter Magazine (Global A-List)

Bio skin regenerator

Specially formulated for skin over 40 with hydration as a key element. JUVENXA is also recommended as a preventative measure for those age 35+

JUVENXA gel increases the degree of hydration of the dermis.

Including powerful active ingredients that favor water retention, in addition to its activity to prevent water loss, it exerts a mechanical action of the dermal barrier that prevents transcutaneous evaporation of water.

JUVENXA gel can restore the hydrolipidic film of the stratum corneum for a youthful looking skin.


For all skin types.

Prevention of external skin aggressions.

Action on the loss of cutaneous elasticity and the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines.

Maintains the hormonal balance of the skin.

Activates the production of elastin and collagen.


JUVENXA does not require a specific program, so it can be used preventively for an indefinite period of time.


Each JUVENXA capsule contains 500 mg of a complex of embryonic and placental extract, hydrolyzed elastin, collagen, retinyl palmitate, DL alpha tocopherol, colostrum, soy isoflavones, pomegranate extract and borage and evening primrose extracts.

Juvenxa Gel

$149 USD



Dermal cells lose their activity and decrease with age of the skin

However, with aging, elastin biosynthesis not only slows down, but existing elastic fibers also naturally degenerate. The skin begins to sag progressively and wrinkles appear.

The dermal cells present in the JUVENXA formula highlight the importance of finding ways to fight skin aging.

JUVENXA has anti-aging effectiveness due to its protective action against external aggression. Tests have shown that JUVENXA effectively fights photo-aging and oxidative stress while visibly improving the depth of wrinkles.

One study illustrated that wrinkling of the skin in older people of various ethnic backgrounds is influenced by poor hydration.

Aging: causes a lot of damage to the skin. JUVENXA diminishes the appearance of apopt cells. The degeneration of the skin slows down.

Positive test



Free radicals: Oxidative stress (pollution, tobacco, stress, etc.) is one of the causes of the appearance of free radicals. JUVENXA effectively fights the harmful effects of the environment and constitutes a barrier against free radicals.


20µ&/mf + irradiation aux UV.

Negative test

Anti-wrinkle: Wrinkle volume analysis showed a 32.3% improvement in the skin relief parameter.

Volume des rides non traitées.

Volume des rides traitées (28j).

Juvenxa promotes the renewal of dermal cells and helps to replenish the skin’s own assets, reducing wrinkles.

Juvenxa is a true cellular treatment that grants

- Rejuvenation of mature skin

- Prevents premature aging of the skin between 40 and 50 years

- Firms the Dermal layers

- Optimal skin resilience

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