Recommendations According to Chronological Age.
Kuhra Vital Intensive Care to Help Regenerate and Restore Skin from the Age of 60.
From the age of 60, the skin's natural ability to produce lipids decreases considerably, along with a decline in the production of hyaluronic acid. Skin regeneration is slower, and the skin becomes thinner, resulting in a loss of volume and density.
The reduction in blood flow also causes a loss of radiance. The skin may appear duller, and broken capillaries may be observed.
The deepest layer of fatty tissue gradually decreases, resulting in a loss of volume and density.
The radiance and energy of the skin also decrease, and the skin becomes less elastic with visible stiffness and wear.
Kuhra Vital Maximum Intensive Care.

Consult your dermatologist for guidance on the use of facial fillers in the most affected areas. It is recommended to apply HYACELL gel (2% pharmaceutical-grade Hyaluronic Acid) daily in those areas to prolong hydration and the anti-wrinkle effect for a longer time.